Saturday, September 18, 2010

Fungi Wonder Wall And Photos

At the beginning of our Moulds Are Fungi Unit we came up with questions we had, and wrote these on a post-it note. This become our 'Wonderwall". During the course of the unit:
  • We learnt about how Fungi is formed
  • We took photos and recorded observations of bread mould samples
  • We learnt about the optimum conditions in which to grow mould
  • We learnt about how Fungi can be harmful
  • We learnt about how Fungi can be helpful
  • We created our own crossword using our knowledge of Fungi
  • Each student posed a 'fertile' question for further investigation
  • We cut and pasted information from the internet onto a Microsoft Word document
  • We took notes and made notes from books located in the library
  • We re-constructed text into our own words
  • We presented our inquiry findings in one of the following formats: booklet, poster, powerpoint or Avatar
  • We gave feedback and feedforward to each other when presentations were made
  • We wrote a reflection about our personal learning journey

1 comment:

wendyc said...

Wow, R22
You sound like you were very busy during your fungi unit.
I think you must have learned lots of new and interesting things!!! Keep up the great work. Mrs Cave