I thought there's only 1 student of the week!
yesssssssssssss!! boys now jet and wana
boys are smart 2 now katie jet and wana
jet you showoff look at your face
JET the SKUX, sorry about it Jet.. TONU
just might aswell take a pic of because im obviously.. TONU
look at those boys behind jet
omg whos is in the backround oh i see lol looks like some people have to be in a photo!megan
Yes! I am finally the student of the week Katie
look at the showoffs behind JetAdhi
look at those boy behind jet look at themtariana
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I thought there's only 1 student of the week!
yesssssssssssss!! boys now jet and wana
boys are smart 2 now katie jet and wana
jet you showoff look at your face
JET the SKUX, sorry about it Jet..
just might aswell take a pic of because im obviously..
look at those boys behind jet
omg whos is in the backround oh i see lol looks like some people have to be in a photo!
Yes! I am finally the student of the week
look at the showoffs behind Jet
look at those boy behind jet look at them
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